Stage 1
Find 3-5 promotional photos from an artist from your genre. Analyse each one looking for the following aspects:
Eye contact
Shot type
Font type (if logo included)
Facial expression
Colour/Effects of the photo
Plan a photoshoot for an artist from your chosen genre.
You must make decisions about the same aspects as that you analysed above. Stage 3
Using members of your group (or willing friends) execute the photoshoot, taking shots for at least 10 different set ups (poses/locations/shot types etc). Stage 4
Up load the photos and create a 10 panel contact sheet. Choose you're best three photos and explain why you think they are the strongest. Within your group choose one photo each to work on.
Stage 5
Look at this tutorial to find effects and filters that you believe are appropriate to the genre you are working in and you believe will create a more effective and interesting promotional picture. Extension task
Create a name and logo for your artist looking here for inspiration